
Crowwd Content and Community Guidelines

Last updated: June 27, 2022

Please read these Crowwd Content and Community Guidelines carefully.

1. Content Guidelines

a. Adherence to Applicable Laws

The words of which the initial letter is capitalized have meanings defined under the following conditions. The following definitions shall have the same meaning regardless of whether they appear in singular or in plural.

b. Nudity and Pornography

We allow content that has limited sexual imagery, provided it is posted for artistic value, educational purposes, awareness, protest, humor or satirical purposes. Content which contains the following is against these Guidelines:

c. Harassment or Bullying

Try to ignore any content that you may find petty and annoying. But do report any content that harasses another person or degrades or shames anyone.

Posting abuses or curse words, morphed images, malicious recordings, objectifying someone, making sexual advances or otherwise engaging in sexual misconduct will not be tolerated. Similarly, extorting or blackmailing any person is prohibited. If someone blocks you from their account, do not try to contact them from another account.

d. Intellectual Property

Paintings, posters, photographs, advertisements, poems, limericks, sound recordings, musical compositions, lectures, articles, tele-series, movies, online videos, video games, computer software, plays, musicals, brands, affiliations, and other similar content, all are subject to intellectual property protection.

Copying content whose intellectual property rights are held by another person or organization, and posting it as your own, is not allowed. If you want to reshare some content from within the Platform, do not remove attributions, watermarks and original captions. Also, please take permission and give due credits to your fellow user who creates such content by mentioning their name.

e. Violence

This includes all content that causes discomfort to our users due to the goriness in the content, such as graphical images or videos that glorify violence, or intends to incite violence, or encourages dangerous and illegal activities, or praises groups or leaders involved in terrorism, organized violence or criminal activities.

Educative or informative content on violence may be allowed provided that it is captioned in detail and contains warnings for violent content.

Post violent content only if your intent is to provide information, education or spread awareness. Warn your audience!